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Going UP with the Violet Flame!

Updated: Oct 15, 2024

Finger pushing the up button on an elevator

A longtime friend shared a story with me some years ago that I would like to now share with you.

It seems a man had recently passed on and went to the other side. He was an inherently good man who had experienced some tough breaks in his life and had to overcome his share of challenges. The man found himself standing before the Pearly Gates of Heaven where a magnificent angel greeted him.

Pearly gates leading into heaven

The angel asked the man: “How was it down there on earth?”

The man replied. “It was pretty rough. People were mostly rude to one another. It seemed like there was injustice, conspiracy, and unresolved problems everywhere.”

After listening intently, the angel replied. “Well, come on in. I think that’s how you’ll find things here!”

Soon thereafter, a second man who had also recently passed on showed up at the pearly gates and met the same magnificent angel. He too was an inherently good man who had experienced some tough breaks in his life and had to overcome his share of challenges.

The angel asked the second man: “How was it down there on earth?”

The second man replied. “Well, there were certainly challenges but there was goodness in many people. There was great beauty in many places on Earth. And nearly everyone treated one another as they themselves would like to be treated.”

After listening intently, the angel replied. “Well, come on in. I think that’s how you’ll find things here!”

Peeling Back the Layers

How was this outcome possible? Both men passed on at nearly the same time, had similar lives, arrived at the same gate and were greeted by the same angel. They both passed through that same gate and yet both went to different places.

From a spiritual perspective, you can find some clues in the world’s religions.

In Christianity, the bible says “In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” [1]

In addition, Buddhist and Hindu texts describe different levels of heavens. And the Jewish mystical system called the Kabbalah even tells us that we create our own heaven or hell.

From a more scientific perspective, you might want to ask yourself the same question Albert Einstein reportedly once asked a colleague:

the universe

Einstein: Is this a friendly universe?

Colleague: Why?

Einstein: Well, because your answer determines your life.

And whether you are a first-time or frequent reader of this blog series, you will discover there are always additional avenues to consider!

For example, esoteric literature teaches there are 33 ascending levels in the next world commonly referred to as heaven or the etheric plane. In addition, there are 33 descending levels often known as hell or the astral plane. [2]

The physical world where we presently live and evolve is the place where the first levels of each side meet and sometimes overlap one another. This also helps explain how the two men in the story both lived on the Earth and yet experienced it in two very different ways.

Going Up with the violet flame!

What determines where you go when you pass on is your state of consciousness and your actions during this life. And because we are all interconnected when someone pushes the “up button” on their “spiritual elevator” it creates opportunity for others to go up with them as well!

If we want to reach the highest levels possible, we need to raise the frequency at which we energetically vibrate. And one of the best and most effective ways to begin this process is through the consistent use of the violet flame.

I believe Einstein would have loved the violet flame!

Albert Einstein pointing to violet flame

Where can you go to begin to experience the violet flame?

You too can access and begin your experience with the violet flame at our free resources page and I hope you will strive daily to make it to the highest levels possible as the end of this life. I look forward to continuing the journey with you!

Message on clothesline

“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” ~ Albert Einstein

Find other blog posts from Violet Flame World here.

Footnotes and Other Information:

[1] - John 14:2

[2] - For more fascinating information on the subject of the afterlife we recommend:

The Afterlife – What Really Happens in the Hereafter by SU Press

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