When I was very young, I remember my dad watching some of the original Monday Night football games with great interest. These games would typically run late (by next-day working standards) so he would often go to bed before the game was over. And the next morning, it was very difficult to find out which team had won. There were no smart phones or internet and even the daily newspaper had been printed well before the outcome. When my dad really wanted to know the outcome of a game he would try and contact a local news station or newspaper the next day.
Unless you lived a part of your life during these times, it seems almost impossible to believe the availability of information could ever have been so limited!
Indeed, the World is changing and continues to change. Time and space are collapsing (aren’t they illusions to begin with?) as electronic communication and the flow and availability of information worldwide becomes near instantaneous. This transformation brings great opportunity along with challenges such as information overload, a need for better time management, and greater discernment of truth in the information available to us.
This transformation will continue and accelerate as 3D technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and other new technologies become a bigger part of our lives.
At Violet Flame World we believe the hallmark of any great Age or era is defined by accelerated advancements in both technology and spirituality. At present, it appears a spiritual awakening or quickening is needed to keep pace with all of today’s electronic and technology advances!
How do we help achieve such an awakening in an already busy and often overloaded world?
We believe one of the solutions is to participate in giving One-Minute Mantras or "OMM" as we like to call them!
Sound the OMM!
These short but powerful mantras are personally and mutually beneficial. At a personal level, you can experience their calming and transformational benefits while in the shower, when waiting in traffic, between business meetings or classes, and at the beginning or ending of each day. The benefits are only limited by your imagination and constancy in giving them!
In addition, when you give these mantras, you are helping to build and strengthen what is known as an Antahkarana or spiritual web of Light.
What is an Antahkarana?
Antahkarana is a Sanskrit word meaning “internal sense organ”. It is the web of life and understood as a net of light spanning Spirit and Matter which sensitizes the whole of creation and connects us to the heart of God. In many ways, an Antahkarana is the spiritual counterpart of today’s internet!
Each time you repeat a one-minute mantra you can think of it as doing crochet where the completion of each interlocking loop is helping create a beautiful shawl or some other comforting garment to wear.
A sample of one-minutes mantras, decrees, and fiats are available below. All use the power of sound to help you discover your own your world of Light and create a greater and more powerful Antahkarana. Plus, they release violet flame - a high frequency spiritual energy known to improve physical and spiritual conditions as well as overcome karma!
We will be releasing many new, one-minute mantras in the future so be sure and check our YouTube Channel regularly for updates!
Until next time…
Credits and other info:
• Picture of Antahkarana from The Summit Lighthouse
• Additional one-minute mantras can be found at this special playlist on our Violet Flame World YouTube Channel