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Friends in High Places - Omri-Tas our Violet Flame Helper!


Updated: Oct 22, 2024

Omri-Tas lives and serves on the Violet Planet

Welcome to our latest Blog Post in an ongoing series entitled Friends in High Places – our Violet Flame Helpers.  In this post, we are going to introduce you to a new violet flame Master known as Omri-Tas!


Before we learn more about Omri-Tas, let’s review a bit of some of Earth’s ancient or lost civilizations. 

Over the ebb and flow and highs and lows of Earth’s long evolution, some civilizations have reached great attainment in spiritual and scientific innovation. History and literature are full of stories about legendary places such as Shangri-La, Atlantis, Lemuria, and others. [1] 

Does Shangri-La, also known as Shamballa, really exist?

Shangri-La (also known as Shamballa) is featured in the 1937 Frank Capra classic movie, Lost Horizon

Earth is a planet where the struggle between Light and Darkness has been taking place for a very long time. Indeed, as Mark Twain once said, “Truth is stranger than fiction…”


And this brings us back to the introduction of our latest Violet Flame Helper, Omri-Tas.


Who is Omri-Tas and where does he live?


Omri-Tas is a great violet flame Master who lives and serves on the Violet Planet. He holds the office of ruler of the Violet Planet. We do not know where the Violet Planet is located but we understand Omri-Tas and others there have a very special kinship with Earth and its people.


Across the Violet Planet, one hundred and forty-four thousand priests tend the violet flame day and night and perform ceremonies and rituals of the violet flame at thousands of altars. Their civilization is free from commercialization, disharmony, disunity and all related causes of distress.


But it wasn’t always this way…


Omri-Tas has revealed that the people of the Violet Planet once approached a great and existential crisis. Some with hidden and dark agendas began moving among the people - leading them astray, pursuing divide-and-conquer tactics, and blurring the issues of the day.  


Some awakened and recognized the urgency of the hour and against great odds turned the tide with the violet flame. There was such a saturation of the Violet Planet with the violet flame that the planet entered into a golden age because of a relative few who responded. Today, the Violet Planet is sustained in a golden age because the people have not lost the memory of what was almost a planetary holocaust.

Life on the Violet Planet Today

Life on the Violet Planet

There are many beautiful and wonderful places here on Earth to live and visit.  And if there was one other place outside the Earth I would like to spend some time it would be the Violet Planet!  Consider life on the Violet Planet:

On the Violet Planet,  the  violet fire is received into homes in a way similar to how electrical current is received over transmission lines here.

The citizens of the Violet Planet use the violet flame to tend to all the needs of daily life. All the homes on the Violet Planet receive a charge of violet fire in much the same manner we receive electrical current upon transmission lines. This violet fire is contacted by the people and used on special instruments for combing their hair, washing themselves, and cleansing their homes.

A violet flame angel

Menial chores are performed by violet-flame angels and nature spirits, which allows the people time to pursue the path of adeptship and to serve other planetary homes.


On the Violet Planet, the hue of the skin of the people living there has the aura and the light of the pink-violet color. The people are fair-haired and there is the violet eye as well as the blue. These souls have transcended all levels of race or race consciousness. Their bodies reflect not race but the Light they have embodied!


Were you to visit the Violet Planet, you would see how the violet flame directed from all of the chakras of the people into every area of life does eliminate drudgery, woe and want, along with pain and sickness.

All the elements of a golden-age are in full progress on the Violet Planet including science, God-government [2], cosmic music, a path of education and acceleration for their citizens and all that you can imagine of a golden age.


Getting there – your opportunity to visit the Violet Planet


Did you know you can visit the Violet Planet while you sleep?! 

The Violet Planet

We invite you to journey to visit Omri-Tas and the Violet Planet at night.  As you place your body to rest at bedtime, you can give this brief prayer:


“In the name of my I AM Presence, I call for an angel of light to escort me in my etheric body to the Violet Planet this night. Let it be done according to God’s will.”


We hope these nighttime journeys will leave you refreshed and even more inspired to give the violet flame to help make Earth more like the Violet Planet!


Getting to know Omri-Tas better

Omri-Tas has one hundred and forty-four thousand priests of the sacred fire serving under his direction. You may call upon at any time for an intense and fiery release of the violet flame on your behalf.  Call upon them often!


Omri-Tas is known to visit the Earth on the 3rd day of each month. He carries such a quantity of violet flame in his aura that it extends far beyond the actual size of planet Earth.  And because he is so close to us during this time we have even greater access to his mentorship, guidance, and momentum when giving the violet flame!


Give 15 or more minutes of Violet Flame mantras, decrees, and affirmations daily. Here are some excellent places to begin!

When we give the violet flame with great devotion, concentration, and gratitude Omri-Tas can multiply the benefits of the violet flame ten times (10X) in our lives!  This action can multiply 15 minutes of violet flame in the videos above into an even greater gift of 150 minutes!


Sing to Omri-Tas.  Following is a joyful violet flame song to Omri-Tas you can sing and share with children and other family members.

We are very grateful for the opportunity to assist you to learn more about Omri-Tas and look forward to being with you again soon here at Violet Flame World.


Until next time…

violet flame

Footnotes and Other Information:

[1] Recommended Reading and Viewing:

For more information on the Omri-Tas and the Violet Planet, we recommend the book: The Masters and Their Retreats by Summit University Press

Phylos the Tibetan, A Dweller on Two Planets

Unveiled Mysteries – Saint Germain Press (chapter on Buried Cities of the Amazon)

James Churchward, The Lost Continent of Mu

Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers – The Power of Myth: Programs 1-6

Lost Horizon – the classic 1937 movie by director Frank Capra.

The Secret Destiny of America – Manly P. Hall 

The story of the lost island of Atlantis comes from two Socratic dialogues called Timaeus and Critias - both written about 360 BC by the Greek philosopher Plato


[2] God Government.  The inner meaning of the word Government is “God Over Men”.  In Europe and early America, churches were typically the tallest structures found in any town or city.  This was a symbolic and important reminder that God was sovereign in culture and society.

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